• How to Create a Winning Website for Accountants: Strategies and Real-World Examples

    Being a copywriter specialized in fintech, I often find myself in the intersection of fintech and accounting. And I’ve seen some common mistakes that accounting companies make on their websites and I decided to put my copywriting expertise into action.

    In this article, I pulled some very important points and examples on how to create (or improve) an accounting website, if you are either an accounting sole practitioner or a small to medium accounting company.

    This time I will focus on headlines and CTAs, services section and blog and resources sections.

    There is still so much to talk about what goes on an accounting company’s website – so, I created a simple and easy-to-follow guide on how to have the best website copy for accounting and accounting professionals – the full guide is linked at the end.

    Compelling Headlines: First Impressions Really Count

    You will have to put yourself in the shoes of someone looking for accounting services: they either have someone but are not happy with their services or they are looking for a firm for the first time.

    Either way, the head and headline of your site is the handshake, it’s the first impression.

    But what makes a compelling headline? In my experience, it’s a headline that showcases your expertise and your value proposition, at the same time, it’s simple and concise enough.

    Here is a clever example:

    Source: CPAsitesolutions (not afiliated)

    “You don’t have to be a tax expert – that’s our job.”

    This is why I like this one: it looks at the client’s pain point – how to understand taxes – and offers a peace of mind with “that’s our job”, meaning you don’t have to worry about this aspect of your business anymore, leave it with us.

    Effective Call-To-Action (CTA): What You Want Your Clients To Do

    CTA or Call-To-Action is what you want your potential clients to do. A vague or missing value proposition paired with a weak CTA can leave potential clients confused and likely to bounce off your site.

    Still using the example above, their CTA is: “Schedule a Consultation”. I particularly like this one because it shows how “you are here to help and answer the clients questions”. Having an open approach will definitely convert to new clients.

    You can use different CTAs in your page like “Learn More” that would redirect them to a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page. This will be useful for someone that is not yet ready to contact your company.

    Bonus tip: If you are an accounting sole practitioner, pair your headline and CTA with a photo of yourself like the one below. There is nothing better than putting a face to the name, and will help build trust – after all, people buy from people.

    Source: CPAsitesolutions (not afiliated)

    Service Information Section: The Best Part to Showcase Your Expertise

    Your service information is the most important part of your site. Think informative and persuasive.

    List your services and provide a concise explanation and what the outcomes the client should expect.

    Here’s an excellent  example from Acuity Accounting (quick disclaimer: I’m not anyway connected to this company, I’m only using their page because I think it’s a good example)


    They have a very clever use of problem / solution / positive outcome for each of their services. Let’s have a look at what they say about their bookkeeping services:

    “Bookkeeping: Your business has a 36% chance of surviving if you review your books annually [Problem: any companies don’t do it often enough].

    Weekly bookkeeping brings your chance to over 80% [Solution: if we do that for you, we will increase your chances to succeed with your business].

    That’s a no brainer – survival is your bottom line. [Positive outcome]”

    And what caught my attention as a copywriter, it’s that they included numbers. I would strongly recommend using percentages or numbers in your services section because our human brain likes to quantify things.

    Now read these two sentences:

    Company A: Our software will help you do your taxes faster.

    Company B: Do your taxes 5X faster with our software

    I would most likely go with Company B, don’t you think?

    Bonus tip: Avoid overused expressions like “cutting-edge technology”, “best in class”, “synergy” or any other business jargon. To me, these words are the equivalent of someone scratching nails on a chalkboard, and they don’t mean anything valuable for your potential clients.

    I know these words are not specific for the accounting industry but it’s easy to follow into the cliche trap. Try to always focus on the specific benefits your technology and services offer to clients.

    Educational Content Is a Must in Accounting

    Regular blog posts and a resource center packed with helpful tools position your firm as a thought leader, attracting and retaining clients who appreciate your insights.

    What should you post in your blog section?

    You should focus on your client’s needs and pain points. I know that taxes and bookkeeping are not the most exciting things to write about, but ask yourself, what are the common themes of the conversations with my clients? What are they struggling with and, most importantly, how can I educate them?

    But when thinking about blog posts, consistency is much more important than frequency.

    See how much time and resources you can put into writing a blog post. You don’t need to have a post almost every day – in fact, I don’t recommend you do that. For instance, have one once a week or even once every two weeks, if that’s what you can afford.

    You rather have one well researched blog post every two weeks than post many just for the sake of posting. This will help you build up your and your company’s trust and showcase your expertise.

    Bonus tip: Don’t forget to have Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) on your site. This can help address common client (and potential clients) questions about services, pricing, and processes. Start with 10 key questions and expand based on user inquiries. This proactive approach reduces barriers to engagement and provides a better experience for your clients.

    These tips and examples are just the begining of your accounting website copy strategy.

    As I mentioned at the begining of this article, here is the guide and you can download it in the link below:

    My 7-step guide for the best webiste copy for Accountants and Accounting Firms


    Inside you’ll discover:

    1. Headline & CTA Strategies: Craft magnetic headlines that grab attention and CTAs that drive action.
    2. Service Page Mastery: Structure your services for clarity and showcase the unique value you offer.
    3. Building Trust with Copy: Leverage testimonials and expertise to establish credibility.
    4. Thought Leadership Tactics: Become a trusted advisor through informative blog content and valuable resources.
    5. Mobile-First & SEO Savvy: Ensure your website copy is optimized for all devices and search engines.
    6. Visual Harmony: Strike the perfect balance between text and visuals for optimal user experience.
    7. “About Us” Optimization: Craft engaging “About Me” pages (sole practitioners) and comprehensive “Teams” pages (firms) that build trust and connection.